Computational and informational limits in high-dimensional statistical problems. Stanford University, 2024.

  • Shuangping Li*, Tselil Schramm*, Kangjie Zhou* (2024). Discrepancy Algorithms for the Binary Perceptron. To appear in the 57th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2025).

  • Andrea Montanari*, Kangjie Zhou* (2024). Which exceptional low-dimensional projections of a Gaussian point cloud can be found in polynomial time? arXiv preprint.

  • Fangyi Chen*, Yunxiao Chen*, Zhiliang Ying*, Kangjie Zhou* (2024). Dynamic Factor Analysis of High-dimensional Recurrent Events. arXiv preprint, under major revision at Biometrika.

  • Yuchen Wu*, Kangjie Zhou* (2024). Sharp Analysis of Power Iteration for Tensor PCA. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2024.

  • Andrea Montanari*, Yiqiao Zhong*, Kangjie Zhou* (2024). Tractability from overparametrization: The example of the negative perceptron. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2024.

  • Raphaël Berthier*, Andrea Montanari*, Kangjie Zhou* (2023). Learning time-scales in two-layers neural networks. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2024.

  • Yuchen Wu*, Kangjie Zhou* (2023). Lower bounds for the convergence of tensor power iteration on random overcomplete models. Conference on Learning Theory, 2023.

  • Andrea Montanari*, Kangjie Zhou* (2022). Overparametrized linear dimensionality reductions: From projection pursuit to two-layer neural networks. arXiv preprint.

  • Kangjie Zhou, Andrea Montanari (2022). High-dimensional projection pursuit: Outer bounds and applications to interpolation in neural networks. Conference on Learning Theory, 2022.

  • Kangjie Zhou, Jinzhu Jia (2021). Propensity score adapted covariate selection for causal inference. arXiv preprint.

    * Alphabetical